Intentions of BashSupport Pro
BashSupport Pro provides intentions to help you change common aspects of shell scripts efficiently.
Convert a single-quoted string like 'text'
or a plain, unquoted word like text
into an equivalent double-quoted string.
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- Single-quoted strings and unquoted text.

Convert a double-quoted string into an equivalent single-quoted string.
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- Double-quoted strings, which only contain static values. String with variable references, subshells or other dynamic content are excluded from this intention.

Convert a single-quoted or double-quoted string into a text literal without quotes. Special characters are escaped, when needed.
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- Single quoted and double-quoted strings.

转换为传统的 `...` 符号
Convert a subshell command into the equivalent backquote command.
Both ()
and $()
are converted into ``
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- Subshell commands.

转换为 $(...) 符号
Convert a legacy backquote command substitution `` element into the equivalent subshell element.
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- Legacy backquote commands

Adds escaping to a string to turn variable references into literal string values. Please note, that this changes the semantics of the escaped text.
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- Double-quoted strings.

Removes escaping from a quoted string. Please note, that this intention may change the semantics of your script.
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- Double-quoted strings or single-quoted strings like
, which support escapes.

转换为变量引用 $Name
Converts a simple parameter expansion ${name}
into the equivalent variable reference $name
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- Simple parameter expansions without operators.

=转换为变量展开 ${Name}
Converts a simple variable reference into the equivalent parameter expansion.

Adds a function keyword to functions declared in Bash files.
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- Names of function definitions without the

移除 Function 关键字
Removes the function keyword of function declarations.
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- The
keyword of function definitions.

Remove the quote of single-quoted or double-quoted strings. Only the quotes are removed, no escaping or other transformations are applied. Please note, that this intention may change the semantics of your script.
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- Single-quoted and double-quoted strings.

切换 Bats-Core 测试标记样式
Switch between @test
and #@test
marker styles of bats-core.
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- Names of bats-core test functions or the test markers