BashSupport Pro
适用于 JetBrains IDE 的强大 Bash 插件
Bash 开发者的最佳工具
Bash 是一种广泛使用但复杂的语言,它有许多难以理解的地方。 BashSupport Pro 通过在 JetBrains IDE中提供高质量的Bash语言支持,可以让您的 Bash 开发过程变得高效愉悦。
它为您提供 Bash 开发过程中所需的各种功能:完善的代码编辑与格式化体验,强大的运行配置,代码调试器、测试器集成等等。 BashSupport Pro 集成了 Bash 开发中的最佳工具,包括 bashdb, ShellCheck, bats-core, 以及 shfmt。
我们可以断言,没有比 BashSupport Pro 更好的 Bash 开发工具了!
BashSupport Pro brings productivity–enhancing context aware enhancements to scripting, shellcheck and shfmt integration to avoid footguns, and testing integrations to robustify the Bash code that band-aids the whole internet.
Finally a plugin to assist with syntax and debugging bash scripts! My students are ecstatic! After using IDEs for Python and C++ they were horrified to find out that they had to debug ‘unaided’. I just smiled! 😉 Seriously, it REALLY helps to reduce the time to working script AND it even comments on those of us that are old and still using features that are depreciated! I can’t imagine how I ever survived without it!